Sunday, June 1, 2008

Socialize and expose your flash game, in order to get sponsored and profitable Flash game in the long run

If you're creating a real cool Flash game, you should think of ways to monetize your game, which means - how do I make any money from my work? From the Flash game I've developed...
Well, first of all
1. Login to the social networks, gaming social network that is, for casual gamers and games developers.
2. Then, you can choose, change and update your developer profile. Take under consideration that many potential users(gamers) and games developing companies will see your page, make it cool, understandable, sell your self!
3. Upload games - you can use one of the site's contests or just upload your game and start making money for it's exposure..
4. Take advantage of the different businesses modal these sites/contests offers for Flash games developers: a. Sponsorship - they pay several (only pro's) Flash games developers in order to be the only link from the game open screen (as Armorgames does for many years now).b. They give you Google Adsense place for your ads, around your games (which is suppose to be the perfect online money making program ever).c. They let you advertise inside the game itself (Mochiads etc.).
Sounds great!?!Let the games begin...