As an independent Flash games developer, you should know by now, that marketing and exposure are the best ways, and the only right way, of making money. You might use Mochiads/GameJacket for monetizing your intros with PPC ads, you might use new platform swith Google Adsense abilities, and you might implement local API's like Kongregate's/NewGrounds's/HallPass's etc. Nevertheless, you'll always need the right amount of pushing and pumping skills and/or tools.
When you launch a new casual Flash game without any sponsor, you are probably using one of the mentioned methods for monetizing your art. Lets talk about them for a sec:
1. Mochi And friends: Mochimedia and its copycats, are serving a great service of mediating between companies how need ad space and companies how needs advertisers on their empty ad space. Simple yet powerful. You can make about ~$1 for 1000 gameplays.
2. Xpogames is actually NewGrounds, HallPass and Kongregate all together. They're all great within their own closed borders. However, there are great communities there. with millions of gameplays per day. So if you integrate their API and upload your games, they'll get the kick start you need, the testing (and hostile I might add) environment. From my own experience, they're mostly about "will give you cash, but we will be very happy if you could you spent it here", but you don't have to. The word says it's about $2 for 1000 gameplays.
Now, lets see what you can do to push you game farther, to the next step of exposure:
1. If you've implemented Mochi (or any other similar service of pay per click ads), boost it! Upload to all mentioned now! (Don't try Kongregate, they don't want others ads).
2. Share your avatar, update your status, describe you and your work, 'go down' to the community, be social.
3. After realising the first version of the game, use the community words to improve the game. Launch 'V.2' as a new different improved game.